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Using The Busy-Ness To Grow Your Busi-Ness

Too busy to grow your business?

I am sitting here writing this post on my oldest daughters 15th birthday. The NYS Fair just ended. THIS is the begining of my busiest season.

But Mark...aren't most real estate agents slowing down at the end of the year?

Let me explain. I have a wife and two daughters, all with birthdays to celebrate in the 4th quarter. My girls go back to school this week, and if you are a parent, you know how busy that can be. My wife and I are co-president of the parents club, which means meetings and planning. My chamber of commerce has meetings and events coming up for the holidays, including my favorite Trunk or Treat event. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years are quickly approaching.

This is TRULY my busiest time of year, and I am willing to bet you are in a similar boat. It's also the hardest time for me to stay focused on my goals...both professional and personal (Christmas cookies be damned.)

Despite all the things going on, I still have to make time to grow my business. Statistically, the seeds of the business we want next year is planted in October, November, and December of this year. And the GREAT thing about being busy is we are usually busy doing things where there are PEOPLE.

So how do we get beyond the "busy" to grow our "busi" without being overwhelmed?

Focus On Growing Your Data Base And Filling In The Blanks

Use the Every Day People method to keep growing your database with minimal effort. At the end of the day, take a minute to write down everyone you saw or spoke to. If thats more than 5 people, pick 5. If its less than 5 people, thats ok...but 5 a day is optimal.

  • Some of these people will be in your database already. PUT A CHECK next to their name.

  • Some of these people wont be in your database, but should be. Think people you want to further connect with or people you can add value to. ADD THEM.

  • Some of these people wont be in your database, and you dont want them there. You know who these people are. CROSS THEM OFF.

The Every Day People Method will keep your database growing throughout the year without you having to put in alot of extra effort. (because you are busy.)

Reconnect with VIP's

Go through your VIP list and try to connect with them ALL in the last quarter. I always aim for THREE points of contact in the last quarter of the year, and then one contact every other quarter.

  • Send a Hand written note, holiday card (don't you dare put your business card in there), or your annual fridge magnet or mental placeholder.

  • Invite them to an in person social event. This can be something you are hosting, or even a community event. Does your area have any public events in the last quarter? Offer to help out with the event and invite some people to come along for the good time. This can be a double win because it helps you reconnect, and helps you draw more people to a community event.

  • THE DREADED ASK - Separate from ALL OTHER POINTS OF CONTACT, shoot them a phone call, facebook message with the DREADED ASK SCRIPT. "Hey Person. Great seeing you the other day. Heading into the next year, alot of people are asking me to keep eyes open for (homes/commercial properties/etc.) Just want to check in and see if there is anything I can help you with next year."

2 Gives....1 Ask.

Have Something To Talk About

People who know me are well aware that I am not a huge fan of bringing up real estate in conversation. That said, people are going to ask you about work, the market, etc. Please be prepared with something interesting to say. I can't tell you how many times in the past 3 years I have overheard real estate agents complaining about how difficult the market is. Instead of scaring people...

  • Tell a funny story about something that happened to you during a showing. I have seen some pretty funny things on showings, and had some good laughs with clients. Bring out pictures if you have them.

  • Tell a success story about a client. Don't make it about you.

  • Use the opportunity to promote other people. Did you find a really cool coffee shop/meeting place this year on the road? Tell people about it.

People want to work with real estate agents that OTHER PEOPLE ARE WORKING WITH. When people ask about work, show them that you are working, and that you are working alot. Nobody wants to be a real estate agents only client.

Growing your business through the end of the year can be alot easier than people make it out to be if we focus on whats most important.

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